Credits and stuff
Thanks to everybody who sent me "stuff" about Daybreak.
Thanks to Fortunecity and Simplenet for hosting Daybreak.
Thanks to Emily Purcell for helping me put sound into this project.
Except for the quotes and graphics, pretty much everything here was by Joe Howley (me).
A portion of the graphics here were converted to .gifs, created, or modified on Gold Disk Inc.�s Picture Editor. Other graphics were originally created on Microsoft�s Paintbrush. Sounds were recorded on Microsoft�s Sound Recorder and edited on Voyetra�s WINDAT. HTML coding was written in good ol� raw HTML on Microsoft�s Notepad and Lorenz Graf's HTMLtool 1.6.4d(thanks, Anne!) and viewed in Netscape Navigator 2.0. The text
was written on Microsoft Works... You know, I could go on forever like this. So I�ll end with this:
Keep Going!.

No animals were hurt in the making of this project. All possible care was taken to provide for their needs and treat them respectfully. The views expressed in various quotes in this project do not necessarily portray the actual views of the creator. Any comparisons between Daybreak magazine and a ship with galley slaves were purely in humorous intent. Comments, suggestions, and proofs of purchases can be sent to [email protected]. This project was made with 100% union labor. Live long and prosper.
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